A lot of my culinary adventures lately have started with a rotting mamey. This one I’d been suckered into buying on Sunday at the tianguis. (Where, it must be remembered, I was hungry.)
I accepted a particularly juicy chunk from a vendor and thought, Well… maybe I can slice this up and have it for dessert. But when I got home, and over the next few days, I noshed instead on some dark chocolate Hershey kisses, a bag of American candy from Alice’s house and leftover banana pudding.
The mamey sat on the bottom shelf of my fridge, in the very back. It began turning brown at the edges.
Not wanting my poor mamey to die, and wanting my jeans to continue to fit me, I tried to think of something light I could whip up with it. Obviously not ice cream. But maybe… fro-yo?
A quick google search turned up a David Lebovitz recipe on 101 Cookbooks. It called for straining yogurt with a cheesecloth. (Ugh. Too lazy.) But that led me to David’s even simpler recipe on his own site, which called for basically dumping yogurt and sugar together, and then churning it in your ice cream maker.
I could do that. I could do that in, like, an hour.
So I cut up my mamey and mashed it with a fork, and added a few healthy squirts of agave nectar. (Did I forget to mention that I didn’t add any processed sugar to this?) I added some Activia yogurt I had in the fridge. I chilled it for an hour, and clumsily poured it into my ice cream maker, getting mamey-agave-yogurt stuff all over the front and sides of my mixer.
Twenty-five minutes later, it was done. And it was good.
Not out-of-this world spectacular — the texture isn’t as smooth and creamy as what you’d get at the store, and next time I think I’d add more yogurt (or lime juice?) to boost the yogurt-y tang. But it’s a fine first start. Definitely something I could snack on after dinner, or outside on our porch on a sunny day.
Plus, this opens up a whole new world of fro-yo. I’ve seen lychees at the market lately…. hmmm…..
Recipe after the jump, if you want it.
Mamey Frozen Yogurt
Adapted from David Lebovitz’s strawberry fro-yo recipe
Makes about 3/4 of a quart
1 mamey, sliced and mashed into a smooth puree with a fork
1/3 c. agave nectar, or sweetener of your choice (If you live in DF, they have agave nectar at Green Corner)
1 1/2 c. yogurt
In a medium-size mixing bowl, combine mamey and agave nectar and stir until combined. Then add the yogurt. Stir and chill in the fridge for an hour. Freeze according to your ice-cream maker’s instructions.
i’ve never seen a whole mamey fruit, i buy the pulp in frozen form…i just blended it with a small amount of milk, ice and coconut oil and it was a very delicious & healthy ice cream – your way sounds good too, maybe with greek yogurt so it doesn’t require straining? Thanks for the tip
Sure — your way sounds good too. Love the idea of coconut oil.