Went with my friend Joy yesterday to The Chocolate Experience, a trade show extolling the magic of chocolate. We got free candy bars (Cadbury Fruit & Nut!) and free chocolate milk from Hershey’s. We gazed at clothes fashioned out of chocolate by Mexican fashion students, and chocolate paintings. A giant chocolate-covered strawberry walked around, and so did his cousin, a chocolate bar. I also bought some kick-ass chocolate marzipan from Oaxaca, made with peanuts instead of almonds.
On our way out, walking to the restroom, we spied the strawberry in a far corner, his back turned. A girl kneeled in front of him.
What the…? Tawdry behavior at the chocolate show? No me digas!
Just when I was about yell at Joy, “Avert your eyes!”, I realized the girl was only fixing his COSTUME. We laughed about it and got pictures with the strawberry on our way out.
Wow. You haven’t even been there a week and already you’re hobnobbing with strawberries!
Sounds like someone’s brain was in the gutter. Ha!