Reforma says people are making crazy runs on the supermarket. The city has closed all gyms, sport clubs, pool halls. Restaurants have been ordered to sell food to-go only. El Universal reports that three more people have died. But WHO? Were they young? Old? Did they wait a long time to go to the hospital? Were they taking medication?
It doesn’t say.
I don’t even know what to think. It’s been a roller-coaster up in here. Went to bed feeling calm, watched The Wire and forgot about the flu. Now I’m thinking, “Do we have enough canned goods?” and wondering how to not go stir-crazy after another day indoors. We don’t even own any board games.
*Photo from Reforma
Yeah, I agree with you; wasn’t that tense and then observed a memo from the Embassy this AM stating how they “encourage families to insure that they maintain a two-week supply of basic supplies in case of emergency”… Great….
Gotta go make my canned tuna & crackers run ASAP…
Analysts recommend not to go shopping all the canned food in the supermarkets, because this may cause some kind of economical imbalance that could led to another type of crisis… but… I don’t want to me locked up with nothing to eat!
I went running this morning to Superema and bought what I could, and it made me feel more calmed to see that we were the only crazy paranoids doing it. So… I don’t know…
I can see it now: First the flu… then an earthquake… and then BOOM, a canned food crisis! Dude, if they run out of chiles en escabeche, I seriously don’t know what I would do.
It does make me feel better to know that not everyone is running to the super. I went yesterday and am hoping I can hold out until next week.
I think you should buy the Twilight Saga and get reading. It will take you 4-5 days to get through and you will be so wrapped up in the story that you won’t even remember that you are in the center of a world crisis.
Thanks for the recommendation, Rach. Although I’m not sure where I’d find the English version of Twilight down here…? But I will keep it in mind!
English Twilight books are sold at most any Sanborn’s.