The Mija Chronicles is a finalist in’s Readers’ Choice Awards, for Best Mexico Travel blog. If you have a few minutes — and you’ve enjoyed what you’ve read here — perhaps you could mosey over and vote for me? All you’d need to do is submit your email address, or you can sign in through Facebook.
UPDATE: Readers Tricia and William have pointed out that you can vote once a day if you like.
Thank you for your votes!
And for super fans, you cam submit a vote omce a day for the next month! :). Quick and easy .
Thanks for the tip Tricia!
OMG This is si exciting. I am doing a dance for you right now and going over to vote. Suerte Chica que te lo mereces.
and my world just got that much smaller! 😉
Congrats! That’s wonderful!!! Best of luck to you! I voted!
Congrats Lesley!!
Felicidades! Very deserved- just voted.
As rare as it is that I get time to read blogs Im glad I didnt miss this one. I voted and if I get a chance on another day I will vote again. Your blog is amazing and you are an excellent writer. I hope you get it. Keep us all posted on the results.
Thanks Amanda! I really appreciate the kind words.
Congratulations, Lesley! You’ve got my vote! Best of luck! 🙂
Gracias tocaya! 🙂
Just voted! (hope I’m not too late…) congratulations. Estoy haciendo changuitos para que ganes.
Congrats and Best of Luck, Lesley 🙂
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I just voted for you, Lesley.
Keep up the good work, well the good cooking.
Thank you, Mely. Saludos!
Best of luck to you Lesley!
Thanks Tony!
You are most welcome my lady! Ahh, just two more months till Cinco De Mayo. This year marks 150 years since the Battle of Puebla too and May 5th this year falls on a Saturday to boot!:-)
We’re going to party like maniacs!!!lol
Love your blog! (And hope to take a tour with you one day.)